Well, I woke up late... Met Adrian ( Poker ) to go to his warehouse to pack up some stuff. Drove outta Toa Payoh, navigated Adrian to Dennis' place. Picked him up, went to some ex-gangster's house to collect money. Cashed the cheque, then went to eat at Bishan.Went over to the warehouse to take a look, messy. Gave a swivel chair to the guard... Went to the Adrian's Educational Centre, hung around a bit... Then drove the kids back home. Went to collect the van, went back to the warehouse and started digging.
I am Thomas Edison, I discovered light in the warehouse... Dennis discovered the aircon. Adrian was all completely unaware of this. I got abbrasions on my arm due to moving the carpet. We discovered 2 Frankenstein masks in there. One good quality one and one crappy one.
Went home, left one carpet at my house, then went over to help out Dennis with the moving carpet deal. He got Cavan and another friend. Cavan seemed, weak. I did most of the carrying. Went home, left the car and Adrian gave me a 20 for helping out. Thanks man! Went home, started going online...
Parents and extended family went out. I hate it when my uncle tries to comprehend with me in the chinese language. I can't understand.
Fidelis, a fan of mine... Added me on MSN. Apparently she is someone who idolises me. XP
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Monday, November 28, 2005 at 11:43 PM
FINALLY! I'm back on the computer.
It's been a week since I've blogged, and boy has it been one heck of a week... Couldn't remember much, so I shall state in point forms.
Monday - Don't remember a thing that happened.
Tuesday - Hung out with Reno and Dennis I think.
Wednesday - Did the Harry Potter show. Made a new friend, Sarah, NYGS girl. Did the show with David and her. Fucking boring show, cause I gave chances to David to hook up with her. I stood alone. Michael the fucker changed his shirt, no more pink. Left to prepare for SITEX, stayed quite late in the night at office to do up the board with Jason.
Thursday - Day 1 of SITEX, the start of the busy week. This was when I started to miss dearest ALOT. There were temptations at SITEX, Samsung Models... Etc... Dilys turned out to be a FHM Race Queen. Came by, she took a photo with me for some strange reason. Wore a GRYFFINDOR student robe... For once, I'm in Gryffindor.
Friday - Missed her even more... =( And I didn't get to touch the internet at all. Went home and dropped dead from Wednesday onwards. Woke up early to meet Jason to finish the board, then followed Reno to SITEX. I had Fangirls, strangely. Reno got the idea that Sarah was interested in me and lifted me up, above the ground on 2 hands. Was wearing Scarecrow that day. I think they went gaming. I went home and slept.
Saturday - Went down to do the Harry Potter show in the morning... Woke up fucking early. Met Helen and Estella. Made a new friend Helen, who was from NYGS as well. Helen thought I was gay because of my strature and behaviour. I had no idea where she got the idea from. Went down to SITEX, didn't need to wear anything, just managed the characters. Predator, Batman, Ringwraith and Stormtrooper went down to Big Boyz Toys FHM Booth, which Conrad was working at. Had some beer, played pool. I DEFEATED JASON IN POOL!!! And it was my first time playing in my life, so I'm pretty proud myself.
Sunday - Was, a headache... Woke up, met Adrian, went to CHURCH with David and Sarah. PS : The only reason I went was to accompany Sarah and David... Cause David can't talk to girls, sad to say. Tried to help him by having Adrian and I leave the stupid service which we attended for half an hour. Went over to popcorn pop. Adrian and I made a bet that if Sarah stayed I'd get a buck and if she followed us I'd owe him a buck too. Sarah ended up following us. Fuck CHURCH. Those were the exact words I shouted the moment I left the door. The ushers stared at me. Adrian and I apparently used to go to the same Church a year back, City Harvest Church. Con job... Went to SITEX, entertaining. Vader, Red Guard, Maul and Trooper. Went to Big Boyz Toys again. Met this hot model at FHM, Bel. Sad to say, she has a VERY ugly boyfriend. Drank again... Went over to Bukit Timah to have lunch. Dearest messaged me, she is BACK!!! =D Yes, I am very happy. Went gaming, somehow I was psychoed into it.
Played Battle For Middle-Earth, lost as usual. Played Jedi Academy with Eva and Adrian. I won round one. Round 2 Eva won, Round 3 was REALLY close, but Eva won. By ONE kill. Damn. Adrian, the other Adrian, poker Adrian, hired me to help him out tomorrow at his warehouse. Went home, started blogging about the week and all. So yeah...
I am done with this week, don't have any more to add.
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
at 2:16 AM
Ah, Saturday's post.
Well, I overslept. Was supposed to be at Science Centre's Macdonalds at 10am... Woke up at 11am thanks to Dennis' call. Damn was I fast. I reached Science Centre in 10 minutes after I washed up and all, around 11:30am. Helped out for Star Wars, then went over to Omni-Max theatre. KC was very nice, but I was a bit pissed again. The manager, Michael, is aiming at us. FUCKER. When we went there in normal clothes he wasn't there, then when we changed he appeared out of no where and was like " What are you doing just standing here? " Good thing Dennis jacked him, by saying " There's no one to mingle with. " Mr Fucker walked off feeling rage in him. We did the show, mingled around with the guests... Show done, David and I packed the boxes and sent it up to Reno's car.
Went to Macdonalds to eat with Estella, Dennis and David. David likes 2 people working behind the cashier. Johnny BOY, and a girl whom he couldn't get her name, Sandy. Sandy was like - eh, Harry Potter yesterday ya. He was like " Yes, Hi, What's your name? " Dennis and I just burst out into laughter. Sandy just stared at David and walked away. They went back, then was my turn to order. She took my order and told me her name. No David, I don't think she is interested in me. We left and bumped into her. I was like " Look, Harry Potter. " She stared, then looked away due to erm, disappointment of first impressions.
Went back to the hall, packed up the rest of the boxes to the bus, then followed Lynn and Dennis to Jurong Entertainment Centre to eat. Met Desmond, Jeanette, Adrian and a new guy. Ate, hung around Entertainment Centre, sat in front of a bunch of ah lians. Ah lians, stared. Left back for Science Centre until something screwed up. Dennis' boots got packed with the Star Wars costume. I had to go back to Jurong Central to wait for money to be transfered to my account to buy Dennis a pair of black shoes. Reno apparently wasn't able to transfer money to my account, we screwed the idea and went back. Explained to KC nicely and apologised, she was nice and took it properly. Estella and I were left to do the show. Dennis went home after that.
No one took photo's, but people were actually looking at the props. o.0 Estella and I escaped the fucker repeatedly, and having drinks in between. Well, this group went in and we went to the Nanyang Poly side. Had marvellous food, because Kathleen was being nice and told us that they had over ordered. KC came and join us too. Event over, packed up and left for the MRT. Apparently I knew Estella from an ex-schoolmate and a friend. Lionel, from MSHS, ex-yo-yo player for my Dad. Lionel remembered me as well... Haha.
Slept in the train till Novena. Met the guys at United Square, along with the Taiwanese dudes. The Taiwanese are suprisingly nice people, especially their head. Chatted with them, joked, a fun time over coffee at Starbucks. The Taiwanese commented that I made a very good Emperor, my actions really proved me to be old, until I took out the mask. Ironic ain't it? The youngest member is playing the oldest character. Haha... well, we had fun, then took pictures with the Taiwanese. The Taiwan Head commented that I should do Luke due to the color of my hair. Left for home, started typing this.
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 12:00 AM
Well, Friday... Hectic day.... First thanks to Dennis for waking me up.
Woke up at 8, took a cab to pick up Dennis at Boon Keng MRT, went to Office. Talked about how Reno was LATE and stuff... Hahaha, packed the armour, Jason came along, didn't interact with him at all. Reached Science Centre, unloaded stuff, met up with some of the new guys, mingled a bit, then went to meet the Hong Kong and Taiwanese guests... They were all very arrogant... Couldn't take it, but for it's for work, so had to bear with it. Anyway, went off to get ready, viewed the exhibits, a bit of an disappointment, but nonetheless fabulous.
The Hong Kong Vader was fucking funny though, Stefen and I made a HUGE joke about him. Comparing his suit to Reno's, Reno's was obviously the better, cause the Hongkie's was a store bought one with a proffesional helmet... When he turned around, Stefen would go a soft - WHAT THE FUCK.... Then he took out his helmet... FUCKING NERD FACE FUCK... That was when we shouted across the room - WHAT THE FUCK. He didn't get it, cause he doesn't speak English, an all Cantonese person. He's a nice guy though... Named him Mr What the FUCK. We came up with the theory that he was some high school kid who conned his parents off their money and was like - mom, I need money to buy books, it's 3000 dollars. And then wearing Vader instead... XP
Was stoned throughout the whole day, wore Emperor, had to bear with Jason's attitude towards everything and the usual boring stuff... Listened to, erm, old school songs on Tim's portable hi-fi set, AKA his Sandtrooper Backpack. Handed Mike the Harry Potter stuffs, did Emperor all the way. Slacked all the way with Stefen in the hall, along with the Adrians. Never knew Joey was with Adrian... Haha... I accomplished something today, I rejected a hand-shake from S.R. Nathan, Mr Fucked Up President of Singapore... Went to Omni-Max Theatre, KC told me everything was alright, so Conrad, Stefen, Adrian, Kelly and I left for SRC... Good food. Watched Conrad and Adrian bowl. Adrian is a hustler... =P Anyway, went over to IRC, played Battlefield 2 with Stefen, fucking did alot of stupid stuff...
Jason came out and talked to me, settled our grudge, so we're still friends again. Tomorrow's event is gonna be another heavy weight for Star Wars and Harry Potter, but I shall tell myself, I MUST meet Esther tomorrow, some way, somehow. And yes, I am not breaking into a song... XD
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 4:37 AM
Well, I'm back, on a Friday MORNING, literally MORNING.
Begin about Wednesday, although I really couldn't remember anything... Oh wait... Harry Potter, now I remember... Yeah, I am feeling like I skipped 3 days, rather than 2. Wednesday, Morning, woke up, went to settle the Western Union thing for Dennis, apparently I needed the fella's full name, so I went down, got safety pins for my tie, went to Popular, got 2 paintbrushes to use as Wands for the Harry Potter Premiere later on. Went home, got the handles done up, did up the visual tie, with safety pins, again... =P
Okay, went to get spray paints, went home, painted, got everything ready, wore proper clothes, and a hat to cover up my horrendous hair and left the house. Went to Far East, got the Clonetrooper helmet, then left for Wisma. YES! I finally feel okay... I met Esther dearest again, after a long while... Left cause I didn't have any money on me to buy anything... You'll know why I am fucking pissed, really fucking pissed. Went to Heeren, got the leather for Tim to work on the Clone armour.
Left by bus to ACTUALLY meet Reno at his tailor, then went to meet him at Redhill MRT... In the car, was Sharon, Tim, Lynn, Ash, Dennis, Reno and myself, extremely packed. Arrived, all of us wore costumes, even though they weren't completely perfect... Lynn and I wore the proper ones as we were supposed to be
working. Damn, the food looked good. Had a few bites of fishes, 5 pieces of afrodisiacs, and 3 glasses of fruit punch... Watched Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire in IMAX, and yes. I had a terrible headache when it ended. I am now so completely infatuated by Emma Watson and Fleur Delacour. ( Emma Watson, is VERY beautiful in the Yule Ball outfit ) Fleur Delacour, is, TRUELY french in my eyes... Hahaha... A bit sad though, Draco made little appearances while Pansy made none! >_< style="font-weight: bold;">LIFE STORIES again. Dennis started off with the song " These are my LIFE stories... " While I went on with the trademark, Basically, what happened was... Went to Peninsula, Dennis and I left from there back home.
Went home, slept... Literally fell dead on the bed.
Thursday began, at about uh, 11 or so for me. I didn't eat or anything... I know, I'm a stupid stupid fool.
Took a cab down to Dennis' place, picked him up then rushed to Science Centre for WORK again... I feel disappointed in myself... Was supposed to meet Esther for lunch today... Couldn't make it due to the shows. Hung around, was very very bored... Show over, went over to Macdonalds, had breakfast/lunch/dinner combo, the new tepanyaki burger and seaweed shaker fries aren't bad. Went back to Omni-max, sat down, Jason called, started bitching about not wanting to wear the armour due to the bodysuit, the armour needing to use duct tape... Then got pissed at me, I'll continue this further... For now, second show began, hung around, got a tiff by the manager of Science Centre, finished, chop chop, packed up...
Jason and Reno waited for us at the ticketing counter. Left for uh, Peninsula, yeah. I played Battlefield 2, Need For Speed Underground 2 and Battle For Middle-Earth, crap shit games. Jason then got pissed over some small matter I still haven't found out yet. Left for Bencoolen for some food... From that very moment Jason shut up and didn't talk to me. Went back to office, fixed up the stuffs, lenses, knee armour, Vader's neck strap, blah blah blah... Jason came out, jacked me, told me off, then done. I just realized how big of an evil genius I am... o.o One moment Jason was telling me how to mentally knock out a person, I did so for Jason's case... Strangely, it worked.
Left for home, chatted with David on the matter, and off to bed I go.
Well, till then...
Stay Free From Misery
Friday, November 18, 2005 at 4:17 AM
Crapped up life, yes, I'm pissed today, very.
Tuesday, did a little stuff that was rather, significant, and yes, NO GAMING! Ownage.
Woke up, erm, I think I can say that it's a moderate time. 1:00pm... Let me begin on how good of a boy I was in the morning. Around 6 or so, boiled water for mom, made her tea, ate my, dinner for Monday at 7:00am... Slept. Woke up, thanks to Jason's call. Surfed Youtube, and I saw a clip of Miyavi that REALLY looks like Esther, with glasses that is... XD Met Reno at my block, left for office... Reached office, I accomplished a few stuffs. Added snaps to Emperor's mask and costume and fixed up Boba Fett's knee guard. Accelerant is a good medium for glue. ^^ Left office, to the other block, then went back to office to pick up my NEARLY forgotten leather for the belt of the Clonetrooper suit. Went down to Bugis first, had a rather stressful meeting with the Event Manage of MDA, Scaven... Stress, total stress... Had to organise the whole damn fucking thing for Sitex 2005 and a private press conference at Shangri-La hotel...
Jason came along, went in the car, let him have the front seat out of respect. Talked alot about psychotic crapped up stuff, starting to get annoyed with him. I am annoyed today thanks to Mr Timothy Lucas Tan, AKA Prop Master. Spent the whole day talking and trashing bullshit out with him via SMS. Well, Jason apparently didn't wanna go send the armour down, so, me, being nice as usual, sent the codpiece and the leather down to TCC... Good thing Tim wasn't there.
Went to Bedok to pick up some Harry Potter costume. Ate at Banquet there. The food sucks, unfresh prawns, non-crispy rojak, still, managed to eat. Left for Thomson, sat there with Jason at Longhouse, ate a bit more, drank, talked out my crap with him and stuffs like that... Dear, don't feel so bad, I'm available if you'd like to bitch it out to me. So many sad stuff happened, and I just happened to realise. Kelly broke up with her Thai Boyfriend, Wallace broke up with his Indonesian Boyfriend... Reno's wife is overly stressed with her work, and I'm disappointed in myself, for not making the effort to go down to visit dearest today due to my QUITE fucked up day with Mr Timothy Lucas Tan and the Event Manager of MDA... I've had worst, but this was quite bad.
Till then, lets hope this yellow haired kid will, ( Yes, it's a horrid color on me, I am gonna wait till tomorrow ends and I'll get it done up in ash grey and blue. )
Stay Free From Misery
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 11:51 PM
Ah well, it's Tuesday I suppose, Tuesday morning anyway.
Monday, let's see... I woke up at 7pm... Bummer, total bummer... Dennis messaged to see whether I was gonna free to catch Exorcism of Emily Rose with them at the 7:05pm show, too late, I couldn't make it in time, so stayed home, slacked, sewed a bit and stuff like that. Went for dinner, granny freaked when she saw my hair, she told me I should go for a sex change surgery, I showed her the finger and ate my dinner, then left. Took cab to Plaza Singapura to pick up Jason, then went to his place to pick up the armour and left for Tim's place for him to do up the armour. The total amount for the cab fare was a whooping $22.10. I paid for it... -_-
Met Adrian, and went to game... >_<
After this session, I realise that I don't quite hate gaming... Had a VERY powerful match with Jason and Adrian, against me and Reno... Long and powerful match. Adrian rocks, he drives a Tuscani, real SPEED...
Esther, I miss you... Will most likely come visit you tomorrow or something. =)
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
at 5:05 AM
What the hell, my weekend just, well, passed in a flash.
Hell, woke up at 5 on Saturday, was requested by Mr Tan to meet him at Peninsula to game, on him as usual... Played from 7:45pm to 5:30am... I repeat, I am sick of gaming. Reno drove from Peninsula to Lorong Chuan to pick up his apprentice, Meiyan. She's okay looking for someone who's 16.5, and for Reno's age. Dropped David off near Serene Centre, then he dropped Jason and I at Jason's place, brought the costumes down, went up to Jason's place. Watched Smallville Season 5, Episode 4, the one which Aquaman appears in. ( Yes, I am in an ultimate geek mode now )
Slept at 7:30, woke up at 10:45pm, watched Episode 3, then tried all ways of waking Jason up. Putting the alarm repeatedly next to him, opening the curtains, throwing stuff at him, and finally woke him up by opening the blanket. Rushed to En-Lounge, met some of the Anime Cosplayers there, Gundam Seed Destiny in general... Reno is fascinated by anime costumes.
Short event, pretty much chop chop and leave. I had to endure with the pain of Emepror's latex mask poking in my right eye. It hurt like hell... Went to UE Square to have a free lunch at Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ restaurant. Pretty good food, and considering it's free we ordered the hell alot of stuff.
Went back to office, talked about David's AMAZING fantasy about the female genitals... Couldn't stop laughing. David can go challenge Russel Peters... LOL.
Went to IRC in the end... Damn, I initially wanted to go to town to visit Esther, but was forced down gaming with Mr Tan... -_- Played till around 8, I slept there... Ate, then left at 10. Dennis and I spent more than an hour hunting a cab down and shouting at poachers who took the cab that we flagged for first. Got home in the end via bus. I miss you love...
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 12:00 AM
Ahahaha, I am finally on time, before the stroke of midnight to post about Thursday and today.
Thursday - Well, I woke up, uh, late. Met Reno at the tailor, settled the imperial officer stuffs, went over to Arab St, got the fabrics for the Harry Potter robes, Reno then told me that he wanted one robe to fit him to do, uh, stuff. Went back to the tailor, settled the imperial officer hat, and the robes. Reno went for a foot massage, while I had to dye my hair, yellow. Reno passed me 50 bucks to dye it for Draco Malfoy and Cloud Strife. Dennis came by, Reno was done too, just had to wait for my hair to be done.
Came out a very nice yellow, I'll post pics of Cloud, don't worry... XD Well, went to have dinner, some old dude bumped into me and the soup spilled. Got pissed, then got okay. Settled some stuff with Reno for the Final Fantasy and Gundam Seed ones. Went over to Rika's place ( Bukit Merah, Blk 124A ) to collect the Cloud costume, then went to Office to do up the sword. Dennis was saying that it couldn't be done in time, but I ended up finishing it. Adrian came over to the office, packed up, then went to game... AGAIN. Game over, went to eat Maggie Goreng at Bencoolen St. The food is pretty good.
Went over to Dennis' place and stayed over, woke up, rushed to Pearls Centre, stuff got screwed thanks to me again. Got my hairspray and all, then went to Zouk for the Asia Media Festival. Wore Cloud, got the hair more or less uh, right. Went to pose, and mingled with Jacen a bit during the whole show. The Barmaid is hot. Event over, changed out, ate spaghetti, mussels ( aprodisiac, yes ) and saw a bunch of malay gays moving around... Hahahaha....
Went to unload the stuff from Reno's car, then moved it to the cab and brought it back to Jason's house. Jason's mom was rather naggy, while his dad watched soccer, went to office, slept for a bit, then went off to Bugis, hung around there, then off to Peninsula for games again... I game overed early and went over to Far East to look for sister Cheryl to collect her gifts from Australlia for me... XD
Met Ivan there, man we had lots of catching up to do... And a girl whom I gave my number to at WCG... Hahaha. Met Cheryl, she teased me about the yellow hair... Hahaha... Well, Ivan, that girl and I went over to Sumairu. She seemed rather shocked to find out that Esther was with me... XP Hung around a while, saw a nice jacket... Gonna persuade my mom or maybe just buy it myself... It's really... really... nice. Ivan left, I promised him a day of coffee man. Went to wait for Esther and Mandy outside Wisma's staff entrance. Went to look for food to eat, but apparently the fast food chains were closed. Mandy left.
I made a fool of myself at the road behind Taka to the carpark, because I saw Reno's car. Apologies darling... Went up to Reno to check whether he was gonna game cause Jason called me up to check. Apparently he wasn't gonna go gaming. Sent Esther back, damn, I missed her... =) Talked during the ride back to her place, dropped by Mac's, only to realise I was broke, bought a drink, then I went home. Started getting my computer fixed and typing this, insignificant post. Adam and I are bullshiters. XP
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Friday, November 11, 2005 at 11:21 PM
Well, it's Thursday, let me talk about what happened after I last blogged last night.
Apparently Dennis got so bored at home he decided to come over to Toa Payoh at approximately 4:30-5am. Roamed around Toa Payoh, went to the Market, ate Nasi Lemak, influenced him with more J-Rock, went over to my place, checked out Paul Booth's work, he is the best tattoo artist in the world by far. Mom woke up, went to my room, read comics, slept at the break of day...
I skipped an entire day in my life. I slept at 6:30am and woke up at 6:30pm... I did not see the light of day today...
Went around Toa Payoh, Dennis wanted to find ahlians... Went to eat Ramen at the HDB Hub, messaged Lynn to get her out as we were fucking bored, Lynn told us to help her find a black skirt for the Harry Potter costume, then went over to the interchange. Tried to persuade Dennis to go town as we were really that bored. Ended up going over to Dennis' place instead, played with Simba the horny dog, went to pick Lynn up as she came over, Simba started humping Lynn, was on the computer chatting with Esther via Popiah's account.
Lynn left, I watched " Life after Baywatch " due to my boredness... Adrian came by to pick us up. Went to Peninsula to play B4ME... Reno came by, David was gay as usual, with Reno in particular. Dennis and I joked that David was Reno's son. Apparently Reno fucked his erm, puppy-lover... Hahaha... Well done. Went over to Lau Pa Sat to eat, then went home. I got locked out of the house for an hour until I broke my way in... -_- Pretty unfruitful day, I'm looking forward to Thursday, hoping it has some good points...
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 5:18 AM
Tuesday, well, it began as usual, with my late blogging and all.
Chatted with Ernie and Adam on MSN for awhile. Got
VERY BORED at home, so I took my old pair of black gloves, cut off the finger tips, added safety pins, chains, and voila, visual accessory.
Here's a picture:

Wore it, and decided to go out, took my trench, wore LEMONed, black pants, and it felt like something was missing. So I took out Mana's arm bands and wore them. Went to Orchard, Kino, then met Esther at Taka with Nadiah, for the first time. Well, went to the new branch of Sumairu in Isetan. It reminds me of Bodyline in Harajuku, the layout of it. Pretty cool place. Apparently Esther's co-worker, Alexis, was the girl who interviewed me during 2004's StreetFest, when I was dressed as Neo... Hahaha... Coincidence. Esther's other co-worker, Mandy, implemented that I looked like I was raining, cause I was sweating profusely, due to lack of food. I didn't eat anything until later. Mandy said I'd look cute if I crossdressed, and Esther told her I did it before... XD Mandy looked somewhat lian, I guess. Dennis, THERE, HEARD THAT, AH LIAN.
Went over to Lucky Plaza, got my black tie, then walked to Plaza Singapura. Hey, it was good exercise. Lots of Lians and Girls stared at me, somehow, due to the enhanced dressing I guess, it's been awhile since I dressed Visual since it went partially mainstream. Reached PS, and went to Spotlight. Sadly to say, the didn't have any red tartan print fabric left, guess I'll try Arab St tomorrow or something. Went to have my breakfast at Macdonalds ( This was around 6pm or so ) and left for Peninsula Plaza for a game of Battle for Middle-Earth. Played against a Medium Army, defeated it, then played Jedi Academy, missions. Pretty fun I must say. Left for Orchard next. Wanted to meet Esther, got a bit worried when I didn't get an answer after 3 calls and a message... Then went home. Yes Esther, I WENT HOME... XP
Got very worried when I got home, that my nose started to bleed... I was thinking *Esther,call me back...* Then blood dripped off my nose, you know how disgusting that is... This was the first time I got worried about someone untill my nose bled. Anyway, called Esther and she was home, was very relieved. Went down to 7-11, tried out Green Curry instant noodles, pretty good I must say. Ate it with a cat, made friends with one cat, while the other one just ran away. The cat seemed to get what I was trying to say. Okay, I've being retarded here, I spent my time eating erm, *lunch* at 11:30pm with a cat. Yes. Well, went home, started giving my gloves proper stitching, and at the same time blogging about today. Reno and his wife thinks I look like Miyavi, and Randall has officially become a poseur. He had Miyavi's display picture and I said - Do you know who it is? Do you know who Miyavi is? He was like - " i dunno, but i find him really cool, so i put his picture up lorx "... Gave up talking to him after that.
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 at 1:37 AM
Well, it's Tuesday. The beginning of Tuesday for me.
Let me talk about Sunday and Monday.
Sunday - Very hectic day, I woke up early to get to Reno's office in preparation for the Star Wars parade that was gonna happen that afternoon. Reached his office, and apparently no one was there... -_- Everyone came, we got ready... Boarded the bus and left. Reached Orchard and David was complaining that he couldn't fit into the Black Guard helmet... Anyway, Dennis and I forced it into his head. Walked to Taka Library, then walked back to the bus. Boarded, reached Office, unpacked, the usual. However, during the bus ride back, Ash was being angry, nto sure what. He shouted at everyone... -_- Unpacked, Ash, Edwin, Mike and Yazid left for Plaza Singapura for the DOOM shows. We left for Margaret Drive to have Kway Teow, very good Kway Teow. Left for Paradiz next, via MRT. With Reno taking the MRT with us... First time man...
Played games for a bit, then left for Esther's place. Damn was that night hectic... -_- Both of us couldn't get to sleep, well, she did for a while, I didn't sleep at all... I feel odd for something which I did... Sorry... Anyway, Esther's dog was still as horny as ever, humping me non-stop... Well, apparently Esther did get to sleep, and she woke up at 8... Slept at 5 and waking up at 8. How odd is that... Once again, I apologise for influencing you with my vampire-like style of sleeping...
Monday began, I guess.
Cooked dumplings for her, not really cook, but got it, erm, heated. She left at 12. Apparently I fell asleep at 11 and woke up at 11... Took a cab, then dropped her off at Cineleisure.
Went to Caltex House at Shenton Way, met Reno, had lunch at Maxwell, left for Office, packed up a bit, his cleaner " ah neh " vacummed the whole place clean, I just hung around till Reno got back.... Then Dennis came. Reno left to pay his cleaners and picked up his wife, Dennis and I just packed up EVERYTHING in the office cause Reno's parents were coming back tomorrow. Sat around, slacked, talked about life, stoning, jokes... Whatever they were. Jason, Ash and Lynn then popped by, Jason did the Press Kit with the help of Lynn and Dennis. I just sat at the prop table as it was too cold, and I felt zoned out, very. Ash just slacked and read some Vader Magazine.
Apparently Esther got the job at Sumairu and is starting work on Tuesday, so I couldn't go over... =< Didn't have anywhere to go, so hung around with Reno, to Takashimaya to settle his TrueSpa thing, and then to Parklane for games. Thought Adrian how to play Battle For Middle-Earth. He beat me, for a first timer. Played several games, then left to Peninsula, the new IRC branch that opened, 24 hours long.
Game Over, Finished, Adrian sent me back to Toa Payoh. I was already half asleep. Couldn't take it, so slept by the swings. Woke up in the morning, grabbed a glass of coffee, then went home, typing this shit.
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 at 2:52 PM
Saturday. Kinda crappy day, with my crappy mood today.
Woke up at 10, called Dennis, 3 times, then he said it was raining, so he said to wait a little while longer so the rain stops. I went back to sleep. Woke up at 1 or so, then started calling Dennis again, no answer. I assumed he was still sleeping. He then called me back after that. Apparently we were late, so I went to the tailor.
Reached tailor, met Dennis, Reno and Jason. Reno was busy explaining the imperial officer thing and the black guard suit to her. I just waited, then passed my hands for Spider-Man to her to start work. We also tried to get a quote for the Harry Potter costumes.
Left for Arab St to get fabric for the black guard, then to Sim Lim to get the flashing lights. Went back to office after that. Started trimming the armour, blah blah blah... Jason called, told me to go all the way down to Plaza Singapura to pick him up then to Bras Basah for him to get his stuff. Was a little annoyed, due to the fact that we could save time by having one person to trim the parts and one person to get everything. Apparently I realised that he didn't know what were the parts to get, so... =\ Had a talk with him before leaving the office, he told me this - A man only has 2 things no matter how broke he is, his honour and his pride. I was like - Dude, who the hell fucking cares about your fucking pride and honour, the whole point is to USE him to help us finish the armour, because YOU paid him.
Anyways, went out of the building to flag a cab. I got rather fed up, as I stood outside at the edge of the road for a good half an hour trying to flag a cab... -_- Went to Shaw Centre, got the washers for the Imperial officer, the pike for the Force Pike, snaps, velcro and then went for my first meal in the whole day. Chicken Rice Burger at Macdonalds, pretty good. Jason and Lynn then came to pick me up. I was generally quiet during the whole ride, didn't bother to talk. Went back to office.
Did the armour, the lense, then went out to IKEA for erm, dinner, for them anyway. Sat there and stoned, Reno was nice and offered me some of the Swedish meatballs, I rejected though, cause I was already full. I was detemined to bug Ash for my 52 bucks, and I did so. Went back to office, did up the lenses, then we left. On the ride to Taka, I bugged Ash in Lynn's prescence for my money. Heard what Dennis and Reno was trying secretly to say. Shan't be bothered to post here. Dennis dropped at Outram, I then went to Takashimaya to take care of Reno's worker, Jaya. She told me that some fella kept on banging the door for no apparent reason. I apologised for coming late though.
Went home after that, started typing this out, am chatting with dear, popiah, ernie and jones, as well as my father at the same time. My dad thinks I take after him, somehow. Big Star Wars Parade tomorrow, can't wait.
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Sunday, November 06, 2005 at 12:31 AM
It's erm... Friday I suppose... Wow... Long stories, long days....
I'll continue where I left off on Wednesday, I think... Extended Indonesian family came over to visit my mom, and leacving me the only person at home, my Mom wasn't in yet. Had to wait for her to come home before I can leave. I only recalled going to Takashimaya to take care of Reno's worker for his cleaning business, and helped out a bit in pity to that fraile old lady, though she's a bangladeshi. I've now grown to be un-racist towards Bangla's. Relaxed at the Massage Chair after doing the cleaning work with Reno. Left for a game after that, met Conrad, went home... Slept at 5:30 if I wasn't wrong.
Thursday, Selamat Hari Raya la bang.
Woke up at erm... 12:30. Got awaken by my mom's repeated screaming and scolding at me for no apparent reason, or rather I couldn't even hear what she was saying as I was dead asleep... She apologised via SMS though. Messaged Esther to check whether she was awake. She apparently woke up around the same time I did. I told her to take her time as I wanted to on time for once. Went erm, dressed rather beng, but due to Miyavi's inspiration, so yeah. Reached her place at 2:10 or so. She came out at around 2:45. I finally made up for all the times I was late ! Phew... Brought her to Clifford Pier area, to erm, sight see... ? o.0 Then went down to Fort Canning. Met Kelly at Plaza Singapura before we went to Fort Canning... Sat there, chilled, talked then Salmah messaged her for the Saudi Arabian Selamat Hari Raya thing. She asked for approval before going though, I was fine with it... Esther, don't worry, I don't mind... After Esther left... My life of misery began... Let me begin with a few points.
1. I had to take 16, on the opposite side all the way to Marine Terrace, that's a 40 minute bus ride.
2. I went to Marine Terrace to pick up the Clonetrooper Armour from the fucking
prop master called Timothy Lucas Tan.
3. He was pissing me off by saying - If you take it I won't be bothered to help you anymore, because I did what I had to. I was so pissed at that line... Had to rush it out for this Sunday anyway.
4. Lugged the 3/4 meter cardboard cube all the way to Plaza Singapura again.
5. Had to see Ash there... -_- Reno was with his kids watching Sky High. Sat, stoned, read Kelly's feature in the Playworks Magazine, and I saw myself as Mana in there... o.- Very shocking, I know.
6. Slept for a while at the booth for DOOM the Movie. Ash and Harley Lynn came back. Went up to the Food Court.
7. Ash is a calculative fucker. The moment he met Reno he bugged Reno by saying this - Reno, can you pass Lynn back the 20 dollars she paid for us ? Hello!!! ASHLEY EUGENE TAN. You still owe me 52 dollars, and that has been 2 months back. Have I bugged you for it constantly? NO! I asked you nicely to pay me back once in a while, then you'll say - Oh, I've not gotten my money from Don yet. Do you think I care anything about Don the RETARD ? NO! I need my money back, and that's it. Please return it to me ASAP, I know you've got a new job that pays 1300 per month.
8. Ate dinner, Hokkien Mee, was okay. Dropped my box off at Reno's car, then went to Takashimaya to continue taking care of the worker. The worker then told me the Security Guard tried to be cheeky with her again. I showed the guard my fist and he backed away. That was how, erm, intimidating I was. When it ended, Reno and I went to the massage chair's again.
9. Went back to Office to start work on the armour. With all the initial people who'll say - Okay, I can help... David, Dennis, Jason, Ash and I. Only Dennis, Jason and I turned up. During the few hours, we accoumpished the bicept piece, as well as the elbow piece. Went to Reno's place later to unpack the costumes from his Statues, Emperor and Stormtrooper. Slept at 5. Dennis watched MTV all the way.
10. Woke up at erm, 7 I think. Brought the costumes to his car. I slept all the way until we reached Bestway Building to eat Meepok again. Went to Office, continued work on the armour, finally completed the left bicept. Started drafting out the thigh pieces too. Cut, burned hands... A piece of melted plastic flew into my left eye, and damn it burned... For a while anyway, managed to pull it out.
11. Tragedy has struck. ( Thanks Love ) Desmond is being childish and is pulling out of the Ready Room due to minor affairs, about him being sore that Reno didn't PERSONALLY invite him for Halloween, and saying that we MM folks have no life... He has no idea how busy we all are.
12. Finished the thigh pieces, started on the calf pieces. Got them, PERFECT, even better than Tim would do it I might add. Drafted out every other piece next. Left office, to Serene Centre. Reno bought the last Owlman there. Went to eat at Mac's, then went back to the office to continue work. Marcus called and said he couldn't make it for the Sunday parade... I got so fucking pissed, Jason and I wasted 350 on Tim to rush out the Armour, and now Marcus says he can't make it. Brilliant, now all the work is being pushed to me.
13. Dare I say, number 13... -_- We came up with a back up plan for the parade in case the FanForce guys boycotted us. Painted toy guns and made them seem like Fans. We all are strategizing alot now... Stress... Yes.
14. Got complained by the Security Guard.
15. The only good point I'd say. We accomplished triming the shoulders, bicept, elbow, back plate, chest plate, shin armour, thigh armour. Now we're left with the ass and crotch piece and the forearms and we're done.
16. Went to Boon Keng to eat, with Dennis and Jason. I drank, then Jason went on an eating spree.
17. The saddest, of all... >_< I reached home, wanted to go to pee.... Then my MP3 player dropped into the toilet bowl before getting the chance to pee... Sadness fills the air in my head right now. Yes, my brain is useless as I type this. A total of 16 bad points. Am very stressed... Finished this at 12:41am.
Till then,
Misery, please stay free from me... =(
Friday, November 04, 2005 at 11:54 AM
Stoned... It's Wednesday. How time flies... -_-
Tuesday, was, well... rather crappy. Ow and Monda came to my place to play pool... I went to pick Jason up at Paradiz Centre then we went to Tim's place to pass him the armour parts and see what we could do about. Jason and I then went down to Paradiz, as I owed him a one on one match on Battle for Middle-Earth. Played, then played Battlefront... Went out, ate dinner, went to wait for Reno, Jason played Dawn Of War, I just sat there and slept...Woke up at 11, when the place closed... Jason and I then went to Mr Bean to discuss about the MM Press Kit for the Asia Media Festival, and a few more stuffs, like Ash getting pissed at me for something.. blah blah blah...
Reno then came along, bitched to us about David, then David came along, told him off... We then went on to play Battle for Middle-Earth at Paradiz... I didn't have any mood to play, so messaged Esther... Kept on losing, because of the sole reason that I do not have any mood to play... Went to eat at St Georges, then Jason and I went to stay over at Dennis' place, as we didn't have any mood to go home. Listened to songs like Michael Jackson and Def Leppard, hail Def Leppard! Watched Russel Peters, the Racist Commedian. And to quote him being racist to a chinese " Anthony by day, Chap Som Bong by night "... LOL, couldn't stop laughing... Slept at 6:30, was dead beat... Woke up at 1 or so, then went home, helped Mom out with a few things, slept... Met Jianwei, passed him the grenade, then went home and continued typing this. I'll update more later...
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 at 2:56 PM