Hi all,
I'm back again. Some good news to tell... Exams are over, and the holidays are here. I made it to Secondary 3, promoted and not advanced. I had no idea how that happened, with a fucking amazing score of what, 500 / 1000. Really borderline passed, but hey, thats cool. I'm opting for a combined sciences class with Geography. Lets hope Joanna Lee teaches me again.
Halloween's round the corner, actually, it's today. Jane asked me out to company her for some
JC Halloween Party, read the bold words. Guess I'll go to company her and maybe get a bit lucky? I don't know. Well, don't ask me why I'm blogging at 3:15am. I just woke up. Yesterday was Justin and Jeri's assesment for school. Helped them out with some of their art pieces, kept them awake and going. I guess I did another good deed for the year of 06.
The weekend has been pretty fun, wore costumes for TCC on Friday and Saturday and earned myself 100 dollies, fast and easy
LEGAL money. I saw Jane on TCC on Friday, with a guy and she left him to company me. Hahaha, owned. On Saturday, I saw Mizuki at TCC, with her VK friends. And now to my main story...
Well, after Saturday, everyone else went Halloween clubbing and I didn't. Why you ask? Too tired, had to help Justin finish stuff, and I'd rather go home to play music then to waste time clubbing. Like Sukkor always told me,
You go home, play guitar, don't mix with bad company, waste time, become like those mat rock people sial. Great words of advice. I guess it was a perk that I didn't go, cause if I did Reno would have no one to help him on Sunday to dress up Vader.
Didn't sleep for Sunday to Monday, to help Justin and Jeri for their assesments. Jeri aced it, Justin just passed I hope. The life of an aspiring musician is a tough one. Gotta go to the MM Workshop tomorrow to finish up batman, but will be meeting Adam first to chill. Then I gotta go meet Jane. Wish me luck guys.
And before I go, some pictures of the last jam session, I'll take pics of Adam the next time round. And I need to take more decent looking pictures of myself.

Me, just awakened, not bathed in 2 days. My hands are so fast, you can't see them!

Miah on drums. Damn fierce, his hands are fast too.
Well, that's about it.
Till then,
Stay Free From Misery