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Fuck, I thought today would be a good day, but it turned out REALLY bad...
Went to report to DK in the morning. I was early, and so was he. He started off with " Good Morning Wayne ", and so I replied. Then he went with his new line " Thank You Wayne "... Went back to class, had morning assembly, then someone there mentioned something about my CCA, and my name was called out... Went to see my CCA teacher and got a hell of a scolding from him. I was like " Fuck man, I haven't been to your CCA at all, I was planning to go tomorrow cause I am free... " Paid him the 27 dollars I owed him as well... Now I am all broke.. Went to class, was locked.

Marcus and I then went to the Porch, then Suresh asked us why we were late then he started going " You 2 !!! I want to talk to the both of you ". This was the point where I knew it was either make or break. He threatened to expel me and Marcus and the spot. Telling us the go back to class and take our bags and go to see him at the office as he asks the VP to sign the release papers... Like many of you know, the people I am with a wussies. They do not dare talk. Marcus just stood there and stared at the floor. When Mr Suresh talked to me I looked in his eye and started talking, cause I knew this was something I could get away with. Well, as usual... I got away with it together with Marcus. Went to my class to take the keys, they were being punished as always... Me and Marcus went back to class to change, then went for PE. Those who finished their NAPFA could go play either Basketball or Soccer... I skipped mine and I didn't wanna go for the retake after school, so I did mine. I did 21 Inclined Pull-ups and 33cm for my sit and reach. Helped Suresh awhile to give him a " good " impression of me, then I was given the responsibility of telling the people who were playing basketball to keep everything.

Went back to class, slept throughout Math Lesson, till Recess. Shawn Chung told me that Ow was looking for me. He was at my class table, and he skipped PE to talk for a while. Talked to him, and we planned to go Joo Seng after school for lunch. Went to the computer lab later and started spamming Ernies' tagboard... Hahaha. During IT Lesson I spammed Joseph's tagboard, and I acted as if I didn't have anything to do with it, and he believed !!! HAHAHA... Science was later. Mr Cunt was telling us about his impression of our class during the term he's thought us. Heard good things about our class as well as bad. But more good than bad.

School ended, Ernie, Adam and I planned to go to Toa Payoh to have Lunch, but Adam said he wanted to go home so I asked Ernie whether he wants to join us, he said he needed to call someone and told me to go ahead. Well, Ow introduced me to the members of the SA, the Marist SA. There was him, Ow, the leader, Shannon, his squire, Yao, some really bad kid that used to go to First Toa Payoh. He brought me to the secret SA hangout, Joo Seng Rd, Blk 4, 10th floor, left side end of staircase. The SA trademarks were still there, and I was added to the list. Ow then told me that he wanted me to take over, cause I was the youngest and baddest over there... They smoked, and we talked about school. I found out that Ow was a fellow comic lover like me, and he got into trouble with my neighbour and how he manages to get away with everything... Hahaha... I shan't expose his secret here, cause I was one to keep his word.

Went to Ang Mo Kio later to show Shannon how to go to NYP, Ow and I went to the Library and started reading comics. I started reading Spectre, Alan Scott Green Lantern and Hal Jordan Green Lantern. Pretty awesome if you ask me. Went home after that... I coincidentally bumped into Andre at Toa Payoh, offered him to go to my place, but he had to go home, ah well. Went home, went online. Talked to Esther for a bit, then felt really ill, like a bad headache... I went to sleep for about 2 hours... Woke up, and this is what I am typing right now.

I still feel headached... ( Is that even a word ? ) Esther told me that Stephanie and her had a SMS Arguement... Kinda stupid one. Steph was being an annoying bitch, as usual. The day will come pretty soon when Reno tells her that she is annoying in the face...

FUCK, I've not cut my hair yet, and I have to report to Suresh the fucker for my long hair tomorrow... Esther skipped school today, so I do suppose this is kinda the right time for me to insert my trade mark speech.
Good People Don't Skip School
Good People Don't Smoke
Good People Don't Tattoo
Good People Don't Have a Life
Good People Don't Have Girlfriend's
Good People Don't Fight
Good People Don't Get Into Trouble
Haha, I've been saying this whenever something bad happens.
Till then, dive into the pool, in the form of a...
Rocket Dive !!!

Monday, August 29, 2005 at 9:23 PM

The Guitarist

The Fiddler, Wayne

70's Rock And Roll
80's Heavy Metal
80's Glam Metal
90's Grunge
00's Techno (You actually think I listen to Techno?)
Japanese Rock
Guitaring all day all NIGHT
Girls, hell yes

speak to me in music


More Money
Girls, hot ones please.
Metallica's Discography, almost complete
To play as good as any of the great 3, Malmsteen, Vai or Satch
Ibanez RG or Jem
Fender Strat 78 Vintage
Lifetime supply of Marlboro Reds


August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
May 2006
June 2006
October 2006
April 2007
May 2007

Previous Posts
Today was fun, so fun... =)Woke up at 10:30... Was... by fiddle balls
Some questionaire I took from Esther. XDName: Wayn... by fiddle balls
I have got lots to tell... A LOT...Friday was stup... by fiddle balls
Today was just another day in life for me. Nothing... by fiddle balls
My life has just gotten worse... Sigh...Went to sc... by fiddle balls
Did I mention to you that I hate my life ? My life... by fiddle balls
I so hate my life... =(...Came back from watching ... by fiddle balls
I hated today. It was so damn fucking stupid...As ... by fiddle balls
I spent my day away in a very stupid manner...Dog ... by fiddle balls
Fuck, was typing halfway earlier just now and got ... by fiddle balls


Adam Ernest Holly