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Well, it's Tuesday. The beginning of Tuesday for me.
Let me talk about Sunday and Monday.

Sunday - Very hectic day, I woke up early to get to Reno's office in preparation for the Star Wars parade that was gonna happen that afternoon. Reached his office, and apparently no one was there... -_- Everyone came, we got ready... Boarded the bus and left. Reached Orchard and David was complaining that he couldn't fit into the Black Guard helmet... Anyway, Dennis and I forced it into his head. Walked to Taka Library, then walked back to the bus. Boarded, reached Office, unpacked, the usual. However, during the bus ride back, Ash was being angry, nto sure what. He shouted at everyone... -_- Unpacked, Ash, Edwin, Mike and Yazid left for Plaza Singapura for the DOOM shows. We left for Margaret Drive to have Kway Teow, very good Kway Teow. Left for Paradiz next, via MRT. With Reno taking the MRT with us... First time man...

Played games for a bit, then left for Esther's place. Damn was that night hectic... -_- Both of us couldn't get to sleep, well, she did for a while, I didn't sleep at all... I feel odd for something which I did... Sorry... Anyway, Esther's dog was still as horny as ever, humping me non-stop... Well, apparently Esther did get to sleep, and she woke up at 8... Slept at 5 and waking up at 8. How odd is that... Once again, I apologise for influencing you with my vampire-like style of sleeping...

Monday began, I guess.
Cooked dumplings for her, not really cook, but got it, erm, heated. She left at 12. Apparently I fell asleep at 11 and woke up at 11... Took a cab, then dropped her off at Cineleisure.

Went to Caltex House at Shenton Way, met Reno, had lunch at Maxwell, left for Office, packed up a bit, his cleaner " ah neh " vacummed the whole place clean, I just hung around till Reno got back.... Then Dennis came. Reno left to pay his cleaners and picked up his wife, Dennis and I just packed up EVERYTHING in the office cause Reno's parents were coming back tomorrow. Sat around, slacked, talked about life, stoning, jokes... Whatever they were. Jason, Ash and Lynn then popped by, Jason did the Press Kit with the help of Lynn and Dennis. I just sat at the prop table as it was too cold, and I felt zoned out, very. Ash just slacked and read some Vader Magazine.

Apparently Esther got the job at Sumairu and is starting work on Tuesday, so I couldn't go over... =< Didn't have anywhere to go, so hung around with Reno, to Takashimaya to settle his TrueSpa thing, and then to Parklane for games. Thought Adrian how to play Battle For Middle-Earth. He beat me, for a first timer. Played several games, then left to Peninsula, the new IRC branch that opened, 24 hours long.

Game Over, Finished, Adrian sent me back to Toa Payoh. I was already half asleep. Couldn't take it, so slept by the swings. Woke up in the morning, grabbed a glass of coffee, then went home, typing this shit.

Till then,
Stay Free From Misery

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 at 2:52 PM

The Guitarist

The Fiddler, Wayne

70's Rock And Roll
80's Heavy Metal
80's Glam Metal
90's Grunge
00's Techno (You actually think I listen to Techno?)
Japanese Rock
Guitaring all day all NIGHT
Girls, hell yes

speak to me in music


More Money
Girls, hot ones please.
Metallica's Discography, almost complete
To play as good as any of the great 3, Malmsteen, Vai or Satch
Ibanez RG or Jem
Fender Strat 78 Vintage
Lifetime supply of Marlboro Reds


August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
May 2006
June 2006
October 2006
April 2007
May 2007

Previous Posts
Saturday. Kinda crappy day, with my crappy mood to... by fiddle balls
It's erm... Friday I suppose... Wow... Long storie... by fiddle balls
Stoned... It's Wednesday. How time flies... -_-Tue... by fiddle balls
Well... Monday, Halloween has come to an end.Let m... by fiddle balls
Phew, Saturday is here...I shall start of with Fri... by fiddle balls
Thursday, well... I was early in school for the fi... by fiddle balls
Wednesday... Sigh....Woke up at 10:30, while I sle... by fiddle balls
Tuesday. Crapped up...Let me start on Monday. Anot... by fiddle balls
Apologies to all friends for the lack of updates..... by fiddle balls
Well, it's Saturday, and I've not blogged yet, eve... by fiddle balls


Adam Ernest Holly